Cheap Ferries to Ihlas-Armutlu

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Information About Ihlas-Armutlu

About Armutlu Holiday Village IDO Pier
İhlas Armutlu Holiday Village, one of the holiday resorts located near Istanbul, has been one of the places frequented by many people in every season. Transportation to Armutlu, which is especially busy during the summer months, is provided not only from Istanbul but also from Bursa, which is very close.
Armutlu Holiday Village, which can be easily reached by IDO sea ferries, departs from Bursa via Kabataş ferries every day at 09:00 and 09:30. On the way back, you can return to the city of Bursa by sea bus departing from Kabataş at 15:00.
While the flights departing from Istanbul to Kabataş, Bostancı and Beşiktaş can be reached at Armutlu holiday village at 10:30, 18:00 and on Fridays at 18:30, there are flights departing from Kadıköy at 15:00 and stopping at Yenikapı. It takes 70 minutes from Yenikapı to Armutlu.
If you want to buy an IDO ticket, you can buy it from our website and with your reservation code, you can get your ticket from the ticket machines when you go to the pier. You can also buy tickets from the box office and you should not forget to buy tickets 1 hour before your travel time. It can be difficult to find tickets, especially during the summer season.
Armutlu holiday village is 55 km from Yalova center and 42 km from Gemlik centre. It is possible to reach the holiday village by bus from Armutlu region. You can also reach Yalova and Gemlik with minibus services.

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