Alojamientos Spa - Rueda
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Av. Andalucía, 47, 23660 Alcaudete, Jaén, Spain
- Alcaudete, Jaen

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Frequently Asked Questions
Alojamientos Spa - Rueda what are the check-in and check-out times?
Check-in time is: 14:00, Check-out time is: 12.00
Alojamientos Spa - Rueda how far is the nearest airport?
Alojamientos Spa - Rueda The nearest airport to the Hotel is Granada Airport, and the distance to the hotel from this airport is 52.05 km.
Alojamientos Spa - Rueda how far is the nearest bus station?
Alojamientos Spa - Rueda The nearest bus station to the Hotel is Jaén Calle Eras De Sta. Madre, and the distance to this bus station from the hotel is 31.43 km.
Alojamientos Spa - Rueda how far is it from the city center?
Alojamientos Spa - Rueda The distance to the city center of the hotel is 33.3 km.