El Alfoz De Burgos
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Autovia A1, Salida 232, Villagonzalo Pedernales, 09195 Burgos
- Burgos, Burgos

Frequently Asked Questions
El Alfoz De Burgos what are the check-in and check-out times?
Check-in time is: 14:00, Check-out time is: 12.00
El Alfoz De Burgos how far is the nearest airport?
El Alfoz De Burgos The nearest airport to the Hotel is Burgos Airport, and the distance to the hotel from this airport is 10.03 km.
El Alfoz De Burgos how far is the nearest bus station?
El Alfoz De Burgos The nearest bus station to the Hotel is Estación De Autobuses De Aranda De Duero, and the distance to this bus station from the hotel is 5.18 km.
El Alfoz De Burgos how far is it from the city center?
El Alfoz De Burgos The distance to the city center of the hotel is 5.56 km.