Limni Gölü Bungalow
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Saranoy Yaylasi Zigana Tuneli Trabzon Girisinden 8 Km29800 Zigana Dagi TorulGumushane
Trabzon Havaalanina 1 saat mesafede
- Gümüşhane, Gümüşhane

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Frequently Asked Questions
Limni Gölü Bungalow what are the check-in and check-out times?
Check-in time is: 14:00, Check-out time is: 12.00
Limni Gölü Bungalow how far is the nearest bus station?
Limni Gölü Bungalow The nearest bus station to the Hotel is Gümüşhane Bus Stationı, and the distance to this bus station from the hotel is 17.23 km.
Limni Gölü Bungalow how far is it from the city center?
Limni Gölü Bungalow The distance to the city center of the hotel is 17.4 km.