Billetes de Autobuses desde Cherníhiv a Kiev
Otras opciones de transporte de Cherníhiv a Kiev
Viajes en autobús de Cherníhiv a Kiev
El viaje más barato en obilet |
4,15 €
Número de Viajes por Día |
La Empresa Con El Precio Más Favorable |
Cuántas Horas a Cherníhiv - Kiev |
2h 27min
La Empresa Con El Mayor Número De Viajes |
Precio Medio |
Viajes Cherníhiv - Kiev de Autobús Baratos
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €04:3007:30 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"5,80 €04:3006:30 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"4,17 €05:0007:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €05:0008:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €06:0009:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €07:0010:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"5,80 €07:0009:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"4,17 €08:0010:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €08:0011:00 -
Albergue Juvenil5,95 €09:0011:30 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €09:0012:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"4,41 €09:0011:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €10:0013:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"4,17 €10:0011:50 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"4,41 €11:0013:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €11:0014:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"5,80 €12:0014:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €12:0015:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €13:0016:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"5,80 €13:0015:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €14:0017:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"5,80 €15:0017:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €15:0018:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €16:0019:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"5,80 €16:0018:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"5,80 €17:0019:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €17:0020:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"5,80 €18:0020:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Bus Station Kyiv, 32 S. Petliury str. Railway Station8,12 €18:0021:00 -
Mall Mehatsentr, 49 Myru av. behind the bus stop in the parking opposite the TechnocentreKiev
Metro station "Lisova"6,96 €20:0022:00
Cherníhiv Terminales de Autobús
Chernigov | |
Estación De Autobuses De Cherníhiv | |
Farmacia Podorozhnyk |
Haga clic para ver en el mapa.
Preguntas frecuentes
¿Cuánto dura el viaje en autobús desde Cherníhiv - Kiev?
En promedio, el viaje en autobús de Cherníhiv a Kiev toma 2 Hora 27 Minute.
¿Qué empresas de autobuses organizan viajes entre Cherníhiv - Kiev?
Empresas de autobuses que organizan viajes entre Cherníhiv - Kiev: PP "Druzhba Lyuks Avtotrans", Vladis las empresas.
¿Cuál es la empresa de autobús que organiza más viajes entre Cherníhiv - Kiev?
La empresa que organiza más viajes en autobús Cherníhiv - Kiev: PP "Druzhba Lyuks Avtotrans"
¿Cuánto cuesta el billete de autobús barato entre Cherníhiv - Kiev?
El billete de autobús barato Cherníhiv - Kiev es 4,15 €.