Bus Ticket Campaigns

Exxen Campaign

Exxen Campaign

Free 30-Day Exxen Membership for any bus/flight ticket purchase!

Campaign Terms and Conditions

The code required to participate in the promotion is created specifically for the user for each bus and flight ticket purchased from obilet. The user can use the coupon code after the promotional SMS is sent to the mobile phone used during the ticket purchase.

Reaching the Promo Code

1- Download our Obilet mobile application. (App Store / Google Play Store)

2- Click on the "My Account" button on the mobile application.

3- Click the "Register Now" button and create a new membership with the e-mail address you entered when purchasing the ticket.

4- Log in to your new membership from the "Member Login" button.

5- After logging in, click on the "My Account" button.

6- Click on the "My Earned Coupons" tab on the "My Deals" button.

7- Click on the "Your Coupon Details" button under the Exxen deal.

8- You can access your Exxen promo code from the "Get Coupon" button.

Note: If you have an existing membership and you have purchased a ticket with the e-mail address of your membership, you can follow it from step 5.

In order to see your campaign code, make sure your mobile application is up-to-date.

Click for detailed information

Using the Campaign Code

1- Create a new membership on the Exxen platform.

2- Make the plan selection during the membership creation section.

3- After choosing the plan, click on the "Use promotional code" button and enter your code.

Click for detailed information

Campaign Terms and Conditions

  • Code cannot be used for existing Exxen memberships.
  • Sports Plan is not included in the promotion.
  • User can use a maximum of one coupon code.
  • If the promo code is not used within 7 days from the date of purchase of the ticket, the validity of the code will expire. Promo code can only be used once.
  • 1 Month Free Exxen Membership will be valid for 1 month after activation. The promo code offers a "1 Month Ads-Free Plan".
  • Exxen needs credit card information in order to activate the Exxen membership. If the user does not cancel the Exxen subscription to the 1 Month Ads-Free Plan within 1 month from the start of the membership or before the free membership right expires, one month of membership amount will be deducted from the consumer's card and the membership will continue in the following month.
  • Promo codes cannot be combined with other offers, converted into cash, or sold. If lost, they cannot be replaced, exchanged, transferred, assigned, used as a deposit, or transferred to any account as payment.
  • Everyone participating in the offer is deemed to have accepted the rules and conditions.
  • If the users do not comply with any of these conditions or periods and submit incomplete or wrong information and documents, the promotion code will be deemed invalid.
  • Obilet and Exxen reserve the right to make changes and discontinue the promotional within the scope of the promotion.
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