Bus Tickets to Cosenza

Information About Cosenza


Bus Stations in Cosenza

Cosenza Bus Terminal Via Giuseppe Galliano, 4, 87100 Cosenza CS, Italy
Maestri Del Lavoro Bus Stop Cosenza A3, 87100 Cosenza CS, Italy
Cosenza Rende - Via Guglielmo Marconi Via Guglielmo Marconi, 84-86, 87036 Quattromiglia CS, Italy
Montegiordano Marina Bus Stop Corso della Vittoria, 63, 87070 Marina CS, Italy
Albergo Marina Blu Bus Stop SP34, 213, 87020 Marina CS, Italy

Operating Carriers Based in Cosenza

Popular Bus Trips Departing From

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Popular Bus Trips Arriving At Cosenza

* The ticket prices shown are the most affordable prices of the tickets purchased at obilet within the last 7 days. Please inquire the current ticket prices from above

Most Recently Searched Bus Trips Arriving At Cosenza

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