Bus Tickets to Cardak

Information About Cardak

CITY Canakkale

Things You Need to Know After Buying the Cardak Bus Ticket

Çardak, a coastal town in the Lapseki district of Çanakkale province, takes its name from Gazi Süleyman Osman Pasha. Çardak, a touristic area approximately 37 kilometers away from Çanakkale city center, hosts many visitors throughout the year.

When you start your journey to reach Çardak, you first arrive at the bus station. There are minibus and bus services to go to Çanakkale city center from the bus station.

Çardak bus companies

Within this scope, Çanakkale Truva Turizm and Ece Turizm come to the fore.

Places to Visit in ÇardakÇardak Sand Island:
  • Go to Kum Island, which is among the natural beauties of Çardak.
  • Çardak bus services
  • It is possible to reach. The island fascinates its visitors with its unique view overlooking the Marmara Sea.
  • Çardak Arıburnu Martyrdom:
  • This martyrdom, built for the soldiers who were martyred during the Gallipoli War, makes its visitors feel the spirit of war.
  • Arbor Pine:
  • This place is one of the places visited by visitors who want to relax and get fresh air.
  • What to Eat in Çardak?Scorpion Soup:
  • This type of soup, which is frequently consumed in the region,
  • Çardak bus ticket
  • It is one of the must-try flavors after arriving in the region.
  • Melki:
  • This delicacy prepared with Melki mushroom is consumed with pleasure by the local people.
  • Tumbi:
  • This dish, made from fine bulgur, is frequently served in most of the restaurants in Çardak.
  • Where to Stay in Çardak?

    Çardak has many boutique and apart hotel options for accommodation. Çardak hotels offer their visitors the opportunity to have comfortable accommodation and an unforgettable holiday with the facilities they offer. Holiday lovers who want to come to the region

    Çardak bus ticket prices

    They can browse and book the hotel they want.

    Visitors choose air travel, which is an alternative option.

    Canakkale flight tickets

    can receive. holiday lovers

    Canakkale flights

    They can easily reach their hotels after arriving in the region.

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