Lugo Burela Rúa Do Correo
Name of the Bus Terminal |
Burela Rúa Do Correo Address |
Burela Rúa Do Correo | Rúa do Correo 2 |
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Most Popular 6 Route(s) Departing From Lugo
- Lugo - A Coruna Bus Ticket € 11.90
- Lugo - Madrid Bus Ticket € 23.35
- Lugo - Zaragoza Bus Ticket € 42.14
- Lugo - Bilbao Bus Ticket € 52.74
- Lugo - Leon Bus Ticket € 20.63
- Lugo - Oviedo Bus Ticket € 26.16
* The ticket prices shown are the most affordable prices of the tickets purchased at obilet within the last 7 days. Please inquire the current ticket prices from above
Most Popular 7 Route(s) Departing From Lugo
- A Coruna - Lugo Bus Ticket € 11.90
- Madrid - Lugo Bus Ticket € 22.90
- Gijon - Lugo Bus Ticket € 26.16
- Irun - Lugo Bus Ticket € 69.23
- Murcia - Lugo Bus Ticket € 81.18
- Ponferrada - Lugo Bus Ticket € 10.89
- Barcelona - Lugo Bus Ticket € 79.39
* The ticket prices shown are the most affordable prices of the tickets purchased at obilet within the last 7 days. Please inquire the current ticket prices from above