Ali Osman Ulusoy - Bus Tickets

Ali Osman Ulusoy

    Available for Sale
    360 Station
    Ali Osman Ulusoy

About Ali Osman Ulusoy

Ali Osman Ulusoy Turizm, one of the largest companies in the field of passenger transportation by bus, sets out to provide the best service to its guests by offering convenient, comfortable and enjoyable journeys on the roads with the slogan With confidence from the past. Headquartered in Trabzon, the company's infrastructure dates back to 1937 and with its renewed face and logo in 2016, it safely reunites its passengers with their loved ones. It continues on its way by modernizing all services from the point of departure to the point of arrival for its guests according to the conditions of the day and saying one step further every day to provide the best service.

Ali Osman Ulusoy Most Visited 200 Bus Terminal

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