Çayırağası Vip - Bus Tickets

Çayırağası Vip

    Available for Sale
    77 Station
    Fehmi Çayırağası

About Çayırağası Vip

Çayırağası was founded in Gaziantep in 1944. It is one of the first road transportation companies not only in its headquarters, Gaziantep, but also in Turkey. Since its establishment, it has aimed to keep high performance and passenger satisfaction at the highest level for many years. Today, Çayırağası organizes flights to 80 different destinations and goes to almost every part of Turkey. There are bus tickets from Gaziantep, Antalya, Kilis and Istanbul departure points to Gaziantep, Mersin, Bursa, Antalya, Izmir, Istanbul and Ankara destinations. An attempt was made to shorten the travel time between Gaziantep-Istanbul, Gaziantep-Ankara and Kilis-Istanbul with express buses. Çayırağası promises its passengers a pleasant journey with in-car food and beverage offerings, satellite television, wireless internet and 2+1 bus comfortable bus seat facilities. It tries to make bus travel more enjoyable with clean and comfortable rest facilities in Aksaray, Akşehir, Bolu, Seydişehir, Kula and Ereğli. Setting out with the slogan We were here in 1944, we are still here today, Çayırağası continues to sell bus tickets to every corner of our country with its quality, safe and comfortable service approach.

Çayırağası Vip Most Visited 73 Bus Terminal

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