Düzce Güven Seyahat - Bus Tickets

Düzce Güven Seyahat

    Available for Sale
    56 Station
    Düzce Güven

About Düzce Güven Seyahat

Based in Düzce, Düzce Güven Seyahat is a prestigious bus company that carries passengers all over Turkey. The company, which provided material and moral support to Düzce after the 1999 Earthquake, has the latest model vehicles in its fleet. A similar leadership of Sakarya VIB and Efe Tur companies in Sakarya and Adapazarı, especially in the gulf region, can be said for Düzce Güven for the Düzce region. Thanks to its vehicles equipped with the latest technology, Düzce Güven provides safe and comfortable travel to its passengers. You can buy Düzce Güven bus tickets from obilet.com.

Düzce Güven Seyahat Most Visited 55 Bus Terminal

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