Efe Tur - Bus Tickets

Efe Tur

    Available for Sale
    125 Station
    Mehmet Sadık Efe

About Efe Tur

Founded in 1991 by the late Mehmet Sadık Efe, Efe Tur is an intercity bus company that was taken over by Mikdat Dabak and Halit Bıçak in 2003. Thanks to the new management approach after the takeover, the company's current fleet, which completed its structuring in a short time, is important because it contains the most new model vehicles in Turkey. The company follows technological innovations very closely; It can also offer facilities such as internet, vehicle tracking device and wireless headphones. Today, Efe Tur carries an average of 10,000 passengers a day with its more than 1000 employees, 130 ticket sales points, a fleet of 120 vehicles and city shuttle services. The basic working principle of the company, which knows no boundaries in service, is to provide its passengers with a peaceful and safe journey.

Efe Tur Most Visited 115 Bus Terminal

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