Elazığ Hazar Turizm - Bus Tickets

Elazığ Hazar Turizm

    Available for Sale
    96 Station
    Hamit Kaya

About Elazığ Hazar Turizm

Elazığ Hazar Turizm provides service with its 30 latest model bus fleet, more than 300 ticket sales points, 750 employees and 30 city shuttles. Elazığ Hazar Turizm, which has been serving its passengers since 1967, with its friendly, devoted and respectful staff, domestic and city shuttle vehicles, modern, contemporary private passenger terminal, and modern accommodation facilities throughout Turkey in the Aegean, Black Sea, Marmara, Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia, Southeast It organizes flights to a total of 50 provinces in Anatolia and the Mediterranean regions. Internet, TV and socket services are provided in the vehicles of the Elazığ Hazar Tourism fleet. You can find detailed information about Elazığ Hazar Turizm company on obilet.com. You can check other bus companies serving the same route on obilet.com.

Elazığ Hazar Turizm Most Visited 87 Bus Terminal

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