Has Diyarbakır Seyahat - Bus Tickets

Has Diyarbakır Seyahat

    Available for Sale
    212 Station
    Zülküf ÖZKAÇAR

About Has Diyarbakır Seyahat

You can reach every region of Turkey from Diyarbakır with Has Diyarbakır Tourism company, which has the mission of providing perfect service to its traveling passengers, providing better quality service than the previous one in each trip, introducing them to innovations and being one of the leading companies in the sector. Other branches of Has Diyarbakır Turizm, whose head office is in Diyarbakır, are located in Adana, Afyon, Ağrı, Aksaray, Ankara, Batman, Isparta, İzmit, İzmir, İstanbul, Kayseri, İskenderun, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa, Uşak and Van. Has Diyarbakır Turizm, one of the most popular bus companies in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, provides reliable and comfortable service to its customers with its renewed and state-of-the-art fleet. You can find answers to your questions at any time by calling 444 11 21 or buy your ticket online in a very short time. Apart from this, you can keep track of which bus is where on Has Diyarbakır's website. Has Diyarbakır Turizm's most popular routes are Diyarbakır-Bilecik, Diyarbakır-Düziçi, Hilvan-Osmaniye, Diyarbakır-Nizip, Hilvan-Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa-Konya, Diyarbakır-Mersin, Gaziantep-Hatay, Konya-Şanlıurfa, Konya-Gaziantep and İskenderun. -Gaziantep. The cities to which Has Diyarbakır bus company operates most frequently are Gaziantep, Konya, Şanlıurfa, Adana, Diyarbakır, Hatay, İskenderun and Mersin.

Has Diyarbakır Seyahat Most Visited 190 Bus Terminal

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