İstanbul Seyahat - Bus Tickets

İstanbul Seyahat

    Available for Sale
    245 Station
    Abit Tırış

About İstanbul Seyahat

Istanbul Travel is a company that has been distinguished from its competitors for years by aiming to provide high quality service in Turkey's bus passenger transportation. This company, whose foundations were laid in 1940, has been one of the names that come to mind when it comes to road passenger transportation in Turkey for more than 75 years. Istanbul Travel, which carries nearly 4 million passengers a year, has over 750 personnel working on its flights. In addition to being a company that works intensively on lines such as Çorlu, Tekirdağ regions and Ankara Istanbul, Istanbul Ankara, it organizes a high number of flights especially from Thrace and Marmara Region and to those regions. Istanbul Travel, a company that aims at the unconditional satisfaction of its customers in both its vision and goals, considers safety and quality as its indispensable principles.

İstanbul Seyahat Most Visited 200 Bus Terminal

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