Özkaymak - Bus Tickets


    Available for Sale
    515 Station
    Rahim Özkaymak

About Özkaymak

Özkaymak Turizm bus company was established in 1960. Özkaymak Turizm, which has not lost any momentum in its growth since then, is today one of the shining star companies of the Central Anatolia Region and Konya with more than 100 trips a day and 1000's of employees. In 1974, Özkaymak Park Hotel was opened within Özkaymak as the first certified accommodation facility in Konya. The company, which works in every field of tourism, is increasing its targets in road passenger transportation day by day and expanding its sales network in its region. Positioning continuity as one of the main principles of service, the bus company will be working with all its strength to reach better positions in the coming years.

Özkaymak Most Visited 128 Bus Terminal

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