Villa Seyahat - Bus Tickets

Villa Seyahat

    Available for Sale
    69 Station
    Villa Seyahat

About Villa Seyahat

Founded in Mersin in 2006, Mersin Villa Seyahat started to serve as a local company with 3 Travego vehicles when it was first established. In the following years, it has expanded its intercity travel service in many cities of Turkey by increasing the number of vehicles and has now become a company that provides safe, enjoyable, comfortable and most importantly affordable transportation to its passengers with the latest model vehicles. Mersin Villa Travel is a company that strives to provide its passengers with all the service concepts that are considered to be the best quality highlighted by world standards, and has managed to institutionalize itself by improving itself with great steps in a very short time.

Villa Seyahat Most Visited 58 Bus Terminal

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