Mersin Seyahat - Bus Tickets

Mersin Seyahat

    Available for Sale
    29 Station
    Übeyt Karayel

About Mersin Seyahat

Mersin Travel, based in Mersin, organizes flights to the cities of Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Afyon, Gebze, Uşak, Adapazarı, Aksaray and Izmit. Continuing to provide the best and highest quality service to its passengers since its establishment in 1987, Mersin Travel offers its customers a pleasant bus journey with its comfortable seats, satellite televisions, wireless internet, in-car food and beverage offerings and 2+1 buses on selected lines. It offers its passengers a quality break with 5 different recreational facilities located in Aksaray, Ereğli, Afyon, Kula and Bolu. Mersin Travel has been serving in Mersin, Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir since 1987 with its respected management team, experienced drivers, friendly assistants and administrative staff. It continues to serve by improving and growing every day with its devoted staff. You can find Mersin Travel bus tickets at

Mersin Seyahat Most Visited 26 Bus Terminal

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