Yeni Aksaray Seyahat - Bus Tickets

Yeni Aksaray Seyahat

    Available for Sale
    142 Station
    Nurettin Yumuşak

About Yeni Aksaray Seyahat

Yeni Aksaray Travel, the leading bus company of Aksaray city, has been providing service to its passengers since 1999. Yeni Aksaray, which connects Aksaray to the cities of Ankara, Kayseri, Istanbul, Aydın, Antalya, Bursa, Gaziantep, Diyarbakır, Kırıkkale, İzmir, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde, Samsun, Tokat, and Yozat, maintains its leadership in the region. Yeni Aksaray Travel, which has been completely renewed with the slogan Always Newer and equipped with modern vehicles as of 2012, offers quality service to its passengers with 20 vehicles in its fleet. Growing every year while maintaining its innovative service approach, Yeni Aksaray Travel's fleet vehicles have personal TV screens, USB ports, internet, headphone jacks, and music broadcasting. You can find Yeni Aksaray Seyahat bus tickets on

Yeni Aksaray Seyahat Most Visited 129 Bus Terminal

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